McLaren reclaims domain through UDRP

McLaren Health Care Corporation has successfully claimed the domain after it filed a Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution (UDRP).

The owner of the web address – who had initially said his last name was McLaren – failed to submit a formal response to the UDRP and so the domain name will now be transferred across to the firm.

It is a good idea for companies to register as many relevant extensions as possible, as this is the best way to ensure brand protection.

In a separate UDRP, McLaren was unsuccessful in its attempts to get, after the owner proved his surname was McLaren.

This information would have been readily available from the WhoIs directory and highlights how common sense can sometimes be used to sort out issues such as these.

The organisation is also hopeful of being able to claim ownership of and a further UDRP is currrently under consideration.