Domain names ‘should be descriptive’

Descriptive domain names can be more effective from a brand-building perspective, one commentator has suggested.

According to Thomas Darré Medard Frederiksen, chief operating officer at, such domain names are easier to find and understand.

This also helps to set and fulfill user expectations, he suggested.

“Although a whimsical name may sound interesting, if it doesn’t describe what the user can expect to find on the site it will be much harder to remember and find,” Mr. Frederiksen claimed.

“The main aim of a website is to enable current and prospective customers to find information about a business that will eventually lead to a sale.”

If a domain name cannot be found this will not happen, the expert said.

He added that descriptive domains also fare better in the search engine optimization race.

“As more than three-quarters of Google users never click past the first three results, it is clear that a descriptive domain is the way to go,” Mr. Frederiksen advised.