Scientists at CERN are responsible for identifying the Higgs boson particle, the Large Hadron Collider that smashes particles together at almost the speed of light, and the conception and creation of the World Wide Web, which turns 30 this year.
Saxo Bank is a Danish online trading and investment company, leveling the playing ground for traders and investors by providing them both the same tools backed by sophisticated technology and industry expertise.
What do they have in common? They’re both CSC clients, and both migrated over to their new .BRANDs. CSC spoke to them about the challenges to activating their .BRANDs—both with internal stakeholders and for external audiences—to get the inside scoop on which departments to involve, which domains to switch over to the new .BRAND, security for the new .BRAND, search engine optimization, how management of the new. BRAND has improved since streamlining—and general best practices.
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