Weekly Launch Guide August 22, 2022

Weekly Launch Guide August 22, 2022
Phase & Extension
Launching in next 30 Days
Start Date Order Entry
Deadline Date
First-come First-served (FCFS) Suggested Users
Sunrise Registration Phase
.kids 11-Aug-2022 12-Sept-2022 Yes The .KIDS TLD looks to provide a child-friendly cyberspace intended to contribute to the positive development and well-being of children around the world and value child voice and participation.
Grandfather Registration Phase
.au 24-Mar-2022 16-Sep-2022 No Holders of existing third-level .au domains receive priority status for the corresponding top-level domain, and will be assigned a category for a Grandfather Phase.
Limited Registration Phase
.au 24-Mar-2022 16-Sept-2022 Yes Companies requesting a new .au domain, where there are no existing domains with priority rights.
Phase & Extension
Launching In-Progress
Start Date Order Entry
Deadline Date
First-come First-served (FCFS) Suggested Users
Other In-Progress Launches
.xn--4dbrk0ce 11-May-2022 2-Jan-2023 No An IDN TLD for “Israel” which will be available for customers who wish to register a Hebrew domain name. Launch phases will grant priority to current IDN.IL owners prior to General Availability.
Phase & Extension
Future Launch Phases
Start Date Order Entry
Deadline Date
First-come First-served (FCFS) Suggested Users
Future Launches
.channel TBD n/a Yes .channel domains are for brand owners looking to host or redirect to online strorefronts; digital and physical products.
.au 20-Sep-2022 n/a Yes This phase is open to all interested registrants.
.kids 20-Sep-2022 17-Oct-2022 Yes The .KIDS Limited Registration phase is for non-profit organizations only.
.kids 19-Oct-2022 25-Nov-2022 Yes The .KIDS Pioneer phase is reserved for registrants who intend to use their domain; such as forwarding to a live site, or utilizing the domain for an email address.
.kids 29-Nov-2022 n/a Yes The .KIDS TLD looks to provide a child-friendly cyberspace intended to contribute to the positive development and well-being of children around the world and value child voice and participation.


.CN Registry Verification Process Change

The .CN Registry (CNNIC) has finalized the date of implementation for the update of the real name verification policy which was postponed from last year.

On 12th July 2022 the .CN Registry (CNNIC) implemented the policy to complete real name verification of the registrant prior to registering or updating the ownership of a domain. Additionally the registry now requires a copy of the passport or National ID card of an authorized signatory representative of the registrant organization as well as the organizations certificate of incorporation  to complete real name verification.

From 1st August 2022 it will be prohibited to renew any domain which has not passed real name verification. The change will impact all domains under .CN (and all sub extensions),  .中国 (xn--fiqs8s),  .公司 (xn--55qx5d) and  .网络 (xn--io0a7i).  Real Name Verification was introduced by CNNIC in 2012, and all new registration since 2012 have completed real name verification, however domains registered prior to 2012 were not originally included in the process. CSC is continuing our focus to ensure all names have passed the Real Name Verification and meet CN eligibility requirements.

Please reach out to your Customer Service Partner if you have any additional questions on the new process.

.TH Top Level Launches for 2022

The Thai Network Information Center Foundation (THNIC Foundation) has finished the second of three rounds of .th second level domain registration in 2022, with the third round being 1 October – 30 November 2022.

Domain registrations may be of interest to Thai organizations and Thai trademark holders. Registrations are limited to exact match or abbreviations of the organization name or exact match of the trademark.

THNIC Foundation are donating registration fees to the Thai Internet Infrastructure Development Fund and THNIC Academy training projects. The funds will support the implementation of the Bangkok Neutral Internet Exchange, a major internet infrastructure development project in Thailand that focuses on enhancing data exchange within the country as well as supporting a project which aims at bringing internet access to local communities using advanced, low-cost technology even in the most remote areas.

Businesses and organizations interested in registering a .TH domain name should speak with their CSC strategic account manager or client service partner.

Turkey to Liberalize Domain Extension

Author: Christine Khalil

A little over three years ago, the Middle East Technical University (METU) and the Information Technologies and Communications Authority (ITCA) signed a new protocol agreeing to transfer authorization and management procedures related to Turkish country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs) to a new system—TRABIS.

The full transfer from NIC.TR to TRABIS was expected to be completed by the end of January 2022, but dates shifted with the transition now expected on September 29th. Domain name applications, transfers, and domain name renewals will be taken over by TRABIS.

TRABIS will bring radical changes to the domain application process, renewals, and transfers. Domain extensions such as, .COM.TR, .ORG.TR, and .NET.TR will become non-restricted. With the launch of TRABIS, these ccTLDs will be registered first-come first-served without the requirement of supporting documents. At this point, no exact date has been announced by the registry.

Turkey is one of the fastest growing economies in the world with a population of around 84 million, and they are attracting foreign investors from all over the world. Yet according to Netcraft, the .TR extension is also in the top 50 TLDs for cybercrime, and no formal dispute process has been put in place as of today, which means it’s harder to recover third-party domains. Therefore, the threat profile for these domain extensions will become higher than before.

Our recommendation is to evaluate your brands and secure critical domains in this namespace to prevent future cyberthreats.

Businesses and organizations interested in registering a .TR-related domain name as an opportunity, or even for defensive purposes, should speak with their CSC strategic account manager or client service partner.

Are you ready for Australian domain name changes?

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has published an alert in relation to the .au direct priority allocation period. As part of the ongoing top level .au TLD launch, existing domain name licence holders have been provided priority to register the .au direct equivalent of their domain names until 20 September 2022.  After that date domain names that have not been allocated will become available to the general public. If names are not secured by rightful owners, this new extension can create an opportunity for cybercriminals, by facilitating fraudulent activity like business email compromise, where the top level domain can be used to impersonate a business. The Australian Cyber Security Center and CSC recommend that Australian as well as global businesses and organizations consider taking advantage of the priority allocation process to register and protect the .au direct equivalents of their existing domain names. Find out more about this advisory at the ACSC page.