Weekly Launch Guide July 13, 2020

Here are launches occurring within 30 days from today

Extension Start Date Order Entry Deadline First-come First-served (FCFS) Suggested Users
General Availability
.new 21-Jul-2020 N/A Yes Relevant to brands that want to enable users to start a new action or create something online
Limited Registration
.new 14-Jan-2020 10-Jul-2020 No Relevant to brands that want to enable users to start a new action or create something online
.th 1-Jun-2020 29-Jul-2020 No Releveant to companies that have a presence or trademark in Thailand

The information provided is intended for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice


.AU License rules

The registry for .AU has announced recently that they have approved a new set of licensing rules. This policy change includes previous and new registrations of third-level .au names. CSC will be in touch with our customers shortly to provide more information. This will include any action items if any result from this policy change.

Compare and Select Your New Domains

TLD: .compare & .select

Launch Type: New gTLD

Important Dates: 04-May-2020 Order Entry Deadline Sunrise, FCFS

06-May-2020 General Availability begins, FCFS

Available Information: Trademark Holders with Valid SMD file may apply during Sunrise phase

Suggested Users: Comparison Service, Telecommunication Service, Banking & Financing, Consumer Good companies

Neustar registry announced plans to launch two previously closed gTLDs,
.compare and .select. Both TLDs will include a Sunrise phase for trademark holders beginning April 6, 2020. The TLD will then release for General
Availability on May 6, 2020. CSC is still collecting launch details and
requirements. Additional information will be communicated as it becomes
available. Please contact your Client Service Partner if you are interested in
either launch.

Domain Security Report: 83% of Global 2000 Organizations are at Risk of Domain Name Hijacking

Cyber criminals are always taking advantage of what security experts are now referring to as critically important security blind spots to launch domain name and domain name system (DNS) hijacking as well as other cyber threats.  They reference trusted brands and products, government agencies, and health organizations through fraudulent domain names, emails, websites, apps, social media profiles, and marketplace listings. While companies have invested in security solutions at an exponential rate to protect themselves from the continually evolving cyber security threats, they remain vulnerable. Read more

New gTLD .dealer Announces Launch Plans

Intercap Registry Inc. announced plans to launch the new gTLD, .dealer. The launch will begin with a Sunrise phase for trademark holders on April 29, 2020. This phase will be first come, first served. Domains will be allocated at the conclusion of the phase on June 1, 2020. With the uncertainty surrounding the global pandemic of COVID-19, the registry has postponed this launch for a more stable time. The registry originally intended to begin the launch on March 25, 2020. CSC is communicating with the registry to understand any postponement and its impacts. New details will be announced when, and if, this information becomes available. If you are interested in this launch, please contact your Client Service Partner.

Top-Level .ar Domain Launch Delayed

The registry for .ar domains, NIC.AR, announced the postponement of General Availability for the launch of top-level .ar. The registry experienced technical issues processing payments for the recently concluded Limited Registration phase’s applications. The Limited Registration phase remains closed. The phase ended January 27, 2020. No dates of when General Availability would resume were announced, but the registry believes the postponement may last over a month. CSC is working closely with our partners in the region for the latest updates. CSC will communicate these updates as new information becomes available. If you have any questions, please contact your Client Service Partner.

Still Launching

The following TLDs have launch
phases (Pre-General Availability) that are
currently still in progress. If you are interested in participating in any of
these launches, please contact your Client Service Partner.






